A beautiful article by Pardesi Trotter reviewing Ayurveda Pura Teas according to Dosha (Body Type)
Many people suffer from either constipation or diarrhoea at some point in life. Sometimes some people suffer from both constipation and diarrhoea and this can be termed as IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. When one su...
Ayurveda Pura is proud to announce the latest product launch of Ayurvedic Golden Milk Been to their inner wellbeing range. Learn more about this exciting new product formulated by Dr. Deepa Apté from an authentic and traditional recipe.
Everyone wants to have a beautiful skin. But unfortunately several people suffer from different skin disorders. The most common of these are acne, eczema, psoriasis etc
Ayurveda looks at skin as a ‘Fire’, or Pitta related organ. Skin therefore reacts very strongly to sunlight. One gets tanned, sun burnt or perhaps simply sensitive to too much sun. All skin ailments are considered as “Pitta imbalances”
Human body is wonderful in its natural healing capability. It continuously keeps rejuvenating itself. But whenever the Doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) are severely imbalanced and the toxic substances are formed in large amounts...
Having enjoyed Christmas and New Year celebration, it’s that time of the year when everyone is planning for the best of 2013 including work, profession, health etc. Every one follows a de-tox plan with the aim of get...
Ayurveda sees weight gain as a Kapha disorder (overabundance of water and earth) with a weak digestive fire. Consumed food is not digested leading to toxin formation in the body.
Ayurveda describes a group of diseases called Prameha which when translated into English means "Obstinate Urinary Disease". This group comprises of all conditions related to urinary system like excess urination, Diabetes etc.
Ayurveda has mentioned eight types of bodies which are prone to various diseases. One of them is an over weight or obese body.