One of the most common ailments seen now-a-days is stress. And as a result of stress people suffer from a wide range of conditions e.g. stress related hypertension, stress related digestive problems, stress related sk...
The digestive system plays a very important role in Ayurveda and in its understanding about health and disease. Although Ayurveda does believe that all diseases and conditions first take its origin in mind, but on a more p...
Ayurveda is the ancient medical science from India which covers all aspects of life including beauty. In India beauty is considered a blessing from God and it is our duty to keep our bodies and mind healthy and ...
Allergy is a disorder of the immune system. Allergic reactions occur when a hypersensitive immune system reacts to a common or unusual substance.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) also known as Myalgic Encaphilits is a debilitating disorder associated with excessive exhaustion accompanied with many variable signs and symptoms.
Every one has some idea of Yoga as it has become an integral part of health and fitness. But Yoga is not only about performing certain positions and breathing exercises. When combined with Ayurvedic principles, the effects...
By Dr Deepa Apté
Whether it is food, lifestyle or exercise, the first question is - what is the correct practice for each individual? People have started realizing that each individual is un...
Yoga is an extraordinary science of self realization and development and teaches us to develop our innate special qualities. It consists of physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation and relaxation. Ayurveda is the...
Relax your body, mind and soul
Introduction: With a busy life style and "too much on hands", one finds it very difficult to find time for himself.
By Dr Deepa Apté
Breathing is the most subconscious yet the most important activity in ones life. One can survive for a month without solid food, a week without fluids or sleep but hardly a ...